List of articles
Jump to 1, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z
- 10 Fascinating Facts About Elephants
- 10 Fascinating Facts About Horses
- 10 Fascinating Facts About Wolves
- 10 myths about cats
- 10 Myths About Dogs That Every Dog Owner Must Know
- Aardvark: the Ultimate Termite Exterminator
- Abelisaurus – a mysterious dinosaur
- Aboriginal Rainbow Serpent
- Abyssinian cat
- Aerial dance of starlings – how birds avoid collisions in flight
- Afghan Hound – elegant dog
- African buffalo – Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer)
- African bush elephant (Loxodonta africana)
- African forest elephant
- African golden cat – leopard’s brother
- African lion
- African wild dog
- Afrovenator abakensis – African hunter
- Aggressive dog breeds – TOP 10
- Akbash Dog, Akbaş
- Alamosaurus – one of the largest dinosaurs
- Aldabra giant tortoise (Aldabrachelys gigantea)
- Alligator snapping turtle – powerful jaws
- Alma – Yeti from Mongolia
- Alps – Europe’s highest mountains
- Amazing butterfly wings
- Amazon River – the history of discovery
- Amazon River – the largest river in the world
- American alligator vs Chinese alligator
- American black bear (Ursus americanus)
- American Curl – cat with unusual ears
- American lion – the largest lion in history
- American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT)
- American Staffordshire Terrier – Amstaff
- Amur leopard – Far Eastern leopard
- Anaconda – the world’s largest snake?
- Andean mountain cat – mysterious Andean cat
- Andrewsarchus – a mysterious giant
- Angkor Wat – Lara Croft’s temple
- Animal Migrations
- Animal Rights and Ethics
- Animal Welfare Group
- Animals that symbolize luck
- Animals’ emotions and feelings
- Ants – the Fascinating World of Ants
- Ants – unusual insects
- Apatosaurus – Brontosaurus – strange story
- Apex Stegosaurus sold for $44.6M!
- Aquaponics and Sustainability
- Archaeopteryx – the first bird
- Archelon ischyros – the largest known turtle
- Arches National Park – Wonders of Nature
- Argentavis magnificens – the largest flying bird in the history
- Arsinoitherium – the Eocene giant
- Asian black bear – moon bear
- Asian elephant (Elephas maximus)
- Asian golden cat
- Asiatic lion, Indian lion, Persian lion
- Aurochs (Bos primigenius) – extinct wild bull
- Australian Cattle Dog (ACD)
- Australian Shepherd – wonderful dog
- Austroraptor
- Bactrian camel and dromedary
- Badger – omnivorous animal
- Bald eagle – the national bird of the USA
- Balinese cat – long-haired Siamese
- Banff National Park
- Barbary lion – Atlas lion
- Baryonyx
- Basking shark – the second largest fish
- Bay cat – a mysterious cat from Borneo
- Beagle – a friendly dog
- Bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus)
- Beast of Gévaudan
- Becoming the Jane Goodall of Your Field
- Beijing – one of the largest capitals in the world
- Beluga whale – white whale
- Benefits of volcanoes
- Bengal cat
- Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris)
- Bernese mountain dog
- Best Puppy Breeds for Apartment Living
- Best University Majors for a Vet
- Bigfoot or Sasquatch – does it exist?
- Bili apes – lion killers
- Birman cat
- Bison – the largest animal of North America
- Black Dog
- Black mamba – kiss of death
- Black panther – myths and facts
- Black rhinoceros – hook-lipped rhino
- Black Russian Terrier – Stalin’s dog
- Black-footed cat (Felis nigripes)
- Blue whale – the largest animal
- Border Collie – the smartest dog in the world
- Borzoi – the dog of aristocrats
- Brachiosaurus – huge herbivorous dinosaurs
- British Alien Big Cats – ABCs
- British Longhair cat
- British Shorthair cat
- Brown bear (Ursus arctos)
- Bruhathkayosaurus matleyi
- Bull Terrier
- Bunyip – Aboriginal evil ghost?
- Burmese cat
- Bush dog (Speothos venaticus)
- Canada lynx – majestic predator
- Cannibalism among animals
- Cannibalism among dogs and cats
- Cannibalism in domestic pigs
- Capitol Reef National Park
- Capybara – the World’s Largest Rodent
- Caracal – desert lynx (Caracal caracal)
- Caring for a Maine Coon Cat
- Carnosaurs – the largest predators among dinosaurs
- Carnotaurus sastrei
- Cat intelligence
- Caucasian Shepherd Dog
- Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
- Cave bear (Ursus spelaeus)
- Celebrating 200 Years of Dinosaur Discovery
- Central Asian Shepherd Dog
- Ceratosaurus – horned lizard
- Chameleon (chamaeleon)
- Charles Darwin and his story
- Chartreux – a cat with orange eyes
- Chausie – intelligent and active cat
- Cheetah – the fastest land animal in the world
- Chilantaisaurus – one of the largest theropods
- Chimpanzee – human cousin?
- Chinese Crested Dog
- Christmas Safety Tips for Pet Owners
- Chupacabra – a mysterious animal
- Clash of the Titans: T. rex vs Giganotosaurus
- Clouded leopard – predator from trees
- Cobras – characteristics and useful information
- Cobras – dreadful snakes
- Complete Dinosaurs Database
- Compsognathus – one of the smallest dinosaurs
- Cornish Rex
- Cougar (Puma) – the largest meowing cat
- Crocodiles – the oldest living reptiles
- Crowned eagle – the most powerful eagle
- Cymric cat – longhair Manx cat
- Dachshund – wiener dog, badger dog, sausage dog
- Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus)
- Damnatio ad bestias – condemnation to beasts
- Danube – the second river of Europe
- Dark-sky preserves
- Death Valley National Park
- Deinonychus – terrible claw
- Deinosuchus – dinosaurs killer
- Deinotherium – terrible beast
- Denali National Park and Preserve
- Devon Rex – cat like an elf
- Dickin Medal – in honor of animals
- Dingo – dog or wolf?
- Dingoes: Beyond the Stereotypes and Misconceptions
- Dinosaur graveyards – Excavations of dinosaurs
- Dinosaurs – myths and reality
- Dinosaurs from Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
- Dinosaurs with the longest necks – Barosaurus
- Dinosaurs with the longest necks – Mamenchisaurus
- Diprotodon – the largest known marsupial
- Dire wolf (Aenocyon dirus / Canis dirus)
- Do fish sleep, and if so, how?
- Doberman Pinscher – an elegant dog
- Dodo (Raphus cucullatus)
- Does dog behavior depend on breed?
- Dog intelligence
- Dogs in Japan – dog madness
- Dolphin – the best swimmer among mammals
- Domestic cat (Felis catus)
- Dragons – did they really exist?
- Dunkleosteus – prehistoric king of the oceans
- Dyatlov Pass incident
- Eastern imperial eagle – unapproachable bird
- Egyptian cobra – Cleopatra’s snake
- Egyptian Mau – the fastest domestic cat
- Elephant birds – Madagascar giants
- Elephant seals (Mirounga)
- Emu – flightless birds
- English Cocker Spaniel
- English Mastiff – one of the largest dogs
- Essential Dog Accessories
- Etosha National Park
- Eugen Sandow – fight with a lion
- European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis)
- European, Eurasian cave lion
- Everglades National Park
- Evolution theory – what is evolution?
- Exotic Shorthair cat
- Exploding ants – kamikaze ants
- Extinction of dinosaurs. Why are they extinct?
- Famous man-eating lions
- Fascinating places to observe wild animals
- Fauna (animals) of Africa
- Feathered Friends on Campus
- Fennec fox – the smallest canid
- Fights of animals – Animal Battles
- Fin whale – one of the largest whales
- Fiordland National Park
- Flat-Headed Cat (Prionailurus planiceps)
- Florida panther – cougar with a broken tail
- Flying fish – unusual fish
- Fossa – Madagascar’s largest predator
- French Bulldog – companion dog
- Freycinet National Park
- From Tyrannosaurus to Chicken
- Galápagos giant tortoise (Chelonoidis nigra)
- Gates of the Arctic National Park
- Gaur, Indian bison (Bos gaurus)
- Gelada – bleeding-heart monkey
- Geoffroy’s cat (Leopardus geoffroyi) – characteristic predator
- German Shepherd – smart and faithful dog
- Giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla)
- Giant panda – Panda bear, bamboo bear
- Giant rhinoceros (Elasmotherium) – a prehistoric rhino
- Giant snakes and sea monsters – myths and facts
- Gigantopithecus – largest ape ever lived
- Giraffe – the tallest living animal
- Glacier National Park in Canada
- Glyptodon – walking fortress
- Godzilla – the most famous monster in the world
- Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) – king of the skies
- Golden Retriever – the most beautiful dog
- Gondwana – the southern Supercontinent
- Goodfellow’s tree-kangaroo
- Gorilla – the world’s biggest ape
- Gorillas – the biggest monkeys
- Gorillas in the Mist – the story of Dian Fossey
- Grand Canyon – Roosevelt’s favorite
- Grand Teton National Park
- Great Barrier Reef
- Great Dane
- Great Green Wall (GGW)
- Great Smoky Mountains National Park
- Great white shark – white death
- Greater rhea and Lesser rhea
- Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
- Green sea turtle, Pacific green turtle
- Greenland shark – long-lived shark
- Greyhound – the fastest dog in the world
- Grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis)
- Guanaco (Lama guanicoe)
- Guenons – parrots among primates
- Gunung Mulu National Park
- Haast’s eagle – the largest eagle that existed
- Hammerhead shark – fish with exceptional head
- Harpy eagle – one of the largest birds of prey
- Having A Pet In College: Pros & Cons
- Heart rates of animals TOP 10
- Hibernation, Estivation, Torpor in Animals
- Himalayan cat
- Hippopotamus – the river horse
- History of animals and plants extinction
- Homosexual animal behavior
- Hornbills
- Horse – man’s friend
- Horses in mythology, legends and fairy tales
- How did dinosaurs learn to fly?
- How Photosynthesis Powers Life on Earth
- How to Write an Effective Dog Trainer Resume
- How to write an essay about your pet
- Huge dinosaurs you’ve never heard of
- Hummingbird – the smallest bird in the world
- Humpback – the most lonesome whale
- Hunting tradition and modern hunting
- Iguanodon – one of the first dinosaurs discovered
- Iguazu Falls – one of the largest waterfalls
- Indian rhinoceros, greater one-horned rhino
- Indochinese tiger (Panthera tigris corbetti)
- Inland taipan – the most venomous snake
- Insular dwarfism
- Interesting Facts About Capybaras
- Iriomote Cat – the Rarest Cat in the World
- Irish elk (Megaloceros giganteus)
- Irish Setter
- Irish Wolfhound – one of the tallest dogs
- Is Jurassic World Accurate?
- Jack Russell Terrier – charismatic hunting dog
- Jaguar – a strong wild cat
- Jaguarundi – eyra cat
- Jane Goodall and her story
- Japanese Bobtail – a symbol of happiness
- Jasper National Park
- Javan rhinoceros – silent loner
- Javanese cat
- Jim Corbett – man-eater hunter
- Joshua Tree National Park
- Kākāpō: New Zealand’s Endangered, Flightless Parrot
- Kamchatka brown bear
- Kangaroo – jumping boxer
- Katmai National Park and Preserve
- Kenai Fjords National Park
- Kermode bear, Spirit bear (Ursus americanus kermodei)
- Kilimanjaro National Park
- King Kong – Eighth Wonder of the World
- King penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus)
- Kiwi – flightless bird from New Zealand
- Koala – the marsupial which does not drink water
- Kodiak – the largest brown bear
- Koko – the smartest gorilla in the world
- Komodo dragon – the largest lizard on Earth
- Komodo National Park – a Land of Myths and Legend
- Komondor
- Korat – intriguing cat
- Kronosaurus – one of the largest pliosaurs
- Kruger National Park
- Kuvasz
- Labrador Retriever – true adventurer
- Lake Tanganyika – the longest freshwater lake
- Landseer Dog – a Loyal Companion
- LaPerm – cat with permanent
- Largest crocodiles and alligators – Top 10
- Latimeria – living fossil
- Leatherback sea turtle – the largest turtle
- Lemurs – icons of Madagascar
- Length of pregnancy in mammals
- Leonberger – a loving giant
- Leopard – an excellent hunter
- Leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis)
- Lesser spotted eagle – a walking eagle
- Liger – the largest cat in the world
- Lion – the king of animals
- Lion versus tiger – fight
- Livyatan melvillei – biblical Leviathan?
- Lizards: the Secret World of Lizards
- Loch Ness Monster (Nessie) is still alive
- Locust anti-collision system
- Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta)
- Lotus and its “impregnated” leaves
- Lynx – night hunter
- Maine Coon – the biggest domestic cat
- Majungasaurus – the king of Madagascar
- Malayan tiger (Panthera tigris jacksoni)
- Malinois – Guardian of the White House
- Mammoth (Mammuthus) – a prehistoric elephant
- Mammoth Cave National Park
- Man-eaters – lions, tigers and leopards
- Man-eaters: Crocodile Gustave
- Man-eaters: Kesagake – a vengeful bear
- Man-eaters: Leopard of Panar
- Man-eaters: Sloth bear of Mysore
- Man-eaters: The Champawat Tiger
- Man-eaters: Two-Toed Tom
- Mandrill – the largest Old World monkey
- Maned wolf – a lonely hunter
- Manx cat – cat without a tail
- Marabunta – Army of Ants
- Marbled Cat (Pardofelis marmorata)
- Margay – cat with gorgeous eyes
- Marozi – mysterious spotted mountain lion
- Marsupial lion – large predatory marsupial
- Martial eagle (Polemaetus bellicosus)
- Mary Anning and her legacy in paleontology
- Mass extinctions of species – the „Big Five”
- Mastodon (Mammut americanum)
- Megafauna – big animals
- Megafauna – Lions and Leopards in Europe
- Megalodon – a prehistoric shark
- Megalosaurus – the first dinosaur discovered
- Megamouth shark – deepwater shark
- Megatherium (megathere) – elephant-sized sloth
- Milk – where does it come from?
- Miniature Schnauzer – a loyal dog
- Minnesota Iceman
- Moa (Dinornithiformes) – giant birds
- Mokele-mbembe – a dinosaur in Africa?
- Moose (Alces alces)
- Moscow Watchdog
- Most effective hunter among mammals
- Most venomous snakes – TOP 10 & TOP 100
- Munchkin – a cat with short legs
- Mythological lions – Chimera
- Mythological lions – Manticore
- Mythological lions – Nemean lion
- Nandi bear
- Natural Attractions in New Zealand
- Natural instincts of dogs
- Neapolitan Mastiff
- Nebelung – a cat from fairytales
- Newfoundland dog – gentle giant
- NFL’s Obsession With Animal Mascots Revealed
- Niagara Falls – a fascinating waterfall
- Nigersaurus – a dinosaur that had 500 teeth
- Nile – the longest river in the world
- Norwegian Forest cat
- Numbat, noombat, walpurti (Myrmecobius fasciatus)
- Number of neurons in the brain of animals
- Obtaining water from dew and fog
- Ocelot – the most beautiful cat in the world
- Ocicat – cat similar to ocelot
- Okapi (Okapia johnstoni) – the African unicorn
- Olympic National Park – A World of Wonder
- Oncilla – northern tiger cat
- Orang Pendek – the small man
- Orangutan – a forest man
- Orca, killer whale – the terror of the oceans
- Oriental Shorthair and Longhair cat
- Ostrich – the biggest bird in the world
- Owls – Silent Hunters
- Pallas’s cat, manul (Otocolobus manul)
- Pampas cat, Pampas ocelot (Leopardus colocola)
- Pangaea (Pangea) – supercontinent
- Papillon (Continental Toy Spaniel) and Phalène
- Paraceratherium, Indricotherium, Baluchitherium
- Parrots
- Peacock (peafowl) – the most beautiful bird
- Penguins – Kings of Antarctica
- Persian cat
- Persian leopard – the largest leopard
- Peterbald cat – the Petersburg Sphynx
- Philippine eagle – the largest eagle in the world
- Phoenix and Roc – mythological birds
- Phorusrhacos – a scary bird
- Pigeon Racing and Tech
- Platybelodon – an elephant without a trunk?
- Polar bear – the king of the north
- Pomeranian – the cutest dog?
- Poodle – very clever dog
- Predatory mammals population
- Proboscis monkey – long-nosed monkey
- Project Nim – Chimpanzee Nim Chimpsky
- Pudu – the smallest deer in the world
- Puli – Mark Zuckerberg’s dog
- Purussaurus – a bus sized caiman
- Pygmy hippopotamus – night loner
- Pygmy marmoset – the smallest monkey in the world
- Pyrenean Mastiff – guardian of Pyrenees
- Pyrenean Mountain Dog – gorgeous dog
- Pyrotherium – “fire beast”
- Ragdoll – cat with blue eyes
- Ratel, honey badger – the bravest animal in the world
- Rattlesnakes (pit vipers) – terrifying snakes
- Red-shanked douc (Pygathrix nemaeus)
- Reindeer and Caribou (Rangifer tarandus)
- Reticulated python – the longest snake
- Rhamphosuchus – one of the largest crocodiles
- Rhinoceros – thick-skinned colossus
- Rhinogrades, snouters (Rhinogradentia)
- Rhodesian ridgeback – African lion dog
- Rocky Mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus)
- Rocky Mountain National Park
- Role of the pack in wolves
- Roses – the history of the most beautiful flowers in the world
- Rottweiler
- Rugops – African predator
- Rules for feeding and keeping horses
- Russian Blue cat
- Saguaro National Park – a magical trip
- Sahara – the largest desert
- Sailfish – the fastest fish in the world?
- Sakura – spring in Tokyo
- Salar de Uyuni – the largest salt desert in the world
- Saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus)
- Sand cat – smallest wild cat
- Santa Claus and His Reindeer
- Sarcosuchus – SuperCroc
- Saurosuchus – a “lizard crocodile”
- Savannah cat
- Scottish Deerhound
- Scottish Fold cat
- Secretarybird – Snake Hunter
- Selkirk Rex cat
- Sequoia National Park – Natural Wonder
- Serengeti National Park
- Serval – smaller cheetah
- Sexual behavior of animals
- Shar Pei – a true individualist
- Shark attacks in New Jersey
- Sharks – killers from the depths
- Sharks – myths and facts
- Shetland Sheepdog, Shetland Collie, Sheltie
- Shiba Inu
- Shoebill (Balaeniceps rex)
- Short-beaked echidna – spiny strongman
- Short-faced bear – the largest bear of all time?
- Siamese cat – a dog-like cat
- Siats – large Cretaceous theropod
- Siberian cat
- Siberian Husky
- Siberian tiger – the largest tiger
- Sloths – the Slowest Mammals
- Snakeskin and its applications
- Snow leopard – mysterious cat
- Son Doong – the largest cave in the world
- South and North Island Takahē
- South China tiger (Panthera tigris amoyensis)
- Spanish Mastiff – fearless and loving
- Spectacled bear – Andean bear
- Sperm whale – Moby Dick whale
- Sphynx cat – Canadian Sphynx
- Squids – giants from the depths
- St. Bernard dog – a gentle giant
- Stegodon – one of the largest proboscideans
- Stegosaurus – “birdbrain”
- Steller’s sea cow (Hydrodamalis gigas)
- Steller’s sea eagle – the heaviest eagle
- Steppe eagle – a thief and a slyboots
- Studying Animal Behavior
- Sumatran rhinoceros – the smallest rhino
- Sun bear – the smallest bear in the world
- Survival Strategies in the Wild To Apply in Real-Life
- Syrian brown bear
- Tabby cat
- Tambora volcano eruption
- Tapir (Tapirus) – an eclectic animal
- Tarbosaurus bataar
- Tardigrades – indestructible animals
- Tasmanian devil – the aggressive marsupial
- Tasmanian tiger, Tasmanian wolf (Thylacine)
- Tatra Shepherd Dog – Tatra Sheepdog
- Tatzelwurm – a mysterious cave lizard
- The best dinosaur museums
- The Bone Wars
- The cassowary
- The deepest diving mammals – TOP 10
- The emperor penguin – the biggest penguin in the world
- The Evolution of Feathers
- The extinction of African baobabs
- The fastest animals – birds, mammals, fish, reptiles and insects
- The fastest animals – on land, in water and in the air
- The fastest animals in the world – Top 10
- The fastest birds in the world – Top 10
- The fastest dinosaurs – Gallimimus
- The fastest dinosaurs – Hypsilophodon
- The fastest mammals – Top 10
- The fastest reptiles – Top 10
- The first discovered dinosaurs – Cetiosaurus
- The fly and its extraordinary abilities
- The Great Salt Lake – A Natural Wonder
- The heaviest and biggest Ceratopsians TOP 10
- The heaviest Ankylosaurus Top 10. Weight of Ankylosaurus
- The heaviest dinosaurs – Top 10
- The heaviest land animals – TOP 10
- The heaviest Ornithischians (Ornithischia) Top 10
- The heaviest ornithopods – Top 10
- The heaviest Pachycephalosaurs (Pachycephalosauria) Top 10
- The heaviest predatory dinosaurs. Theropods Top 10
- The heaviest Stegosaurians (Stegosauria) Top 10
- The highest flying birds – Top 10
- The Impact of Pet Therapy Programs
- The largest (heaviest & longest) turtles – Top 10
- The largest (heaviest) reptiles – Top 10
- The largest and heaviest birds – Top 10
- The largest and heaviest birds ever existed
- The largest and most powerful birds of prey – Top 10
- The largest Dinosaur Database in the world
- The largest dinosaurs – TOP 10
- The largest eagles – Top 10
- The largest land predators TOP 10
- The largest pterosaurs – Top 10
- The largest Raptors (dromaeosaurs) – Top 10
- The largest spiders – Top 10
- The largest venomous snakes TOP 50
- The largest wild cats – Top 10
- The largest, biggest, heaviest whales – TOP 10
- The largest, biggest, longest sharks – Top 10
- The lightest sauropods – Top 10
- The longest and heaviest whales – TOP 10
- The longest and largest ceratopsians
- The longest and largest ornithopods
- The longest Ankylosaurus Top 10. Dimensions of Ankylosaurus
- The longest dinosaurs Top 100
- The longest dinosaurs. Sauropods top 10
- The longest Ornithischians (Ornithischia) TOP 10
- The longest Pachycephalosaurs (Pachycephalosauria) TOP 10
- The longest predatory dinosaurs. Theropods Top 10
- The longest Stegosaurians (Stegosauria) TOP 10
- The longest whales – TOP 10
- The longest, largest snakes – Top 10
- The Lost Young Tiger
- The Majestic California Condor
- The most expensive animals – TOP 10
- The Most Fearsome Predators: A Look at Theropod Dinosaurs
- The most intelligent animals – Top 10
- The most venomous snakes – Top 10
- The oldest dogs – Top 10
- The oldest known dinosaurs – Herrerasaurus, Staurikosaurus, Eoraptor, Pisanosaurus
- The oldest known dinosaurs – Lesothosaurus
- The Rarest Dog Breeds
- The Royal National Park
- The saber-toothed tiger (Smilodon)
- The shortest sauropods – Top 10
- The smallest dinosaurs – Top 10
- The smartest dogs – Top 10
- The strongest jaws of mammals – Top 10
- The Sumatran tiger – smallest tiger
- The tallest dogs – TOP 10
- The tallest trees – Top 10
- The Ultimate Guide to Adult Dog Care: From Nutrition to Exercise
- Theodore Roosevelt National Park
- Thorny devil (Moloch horridus)
- Thylacosmilus – a predatory marsupial from South America
- Tibetan Mastiff – the most expensive dog in the world
- Tiger – the King of the Jungle
- Tiger – the largest cat
- Tiger shark – one of the most dangerous sharks
- Titanoboa – the largest snake
- Toba Supervolcano – the largest eruption in history
- Tonkinese cat – active and intelligent cat
- Top 10 Fastest Animals in the World
- Top 10 Most Popular Dogs
- Top 7 Dog Breeds Perfect For Family
- Torres del Paine National Park
- Tosa Inu, Tosa-Ken, Japanese Mastiff
- Toucans – Neotropical Birds
- Toxodon – one of the strangest animals
- Triceratops – one of the best-known dinosaurs
- Trustworthy Vet Clinic
- Tsavo lions – Man-Eaters of Tsavo
- Tufted deer (Elaphodus cephalophus)
- Turkish Angora, Ankara cat
- Turkish Van – a swimming cat
- Turtles and tortoises – long-lived reptiles
- Two-headed animals – Polycephaly
- Tyrannosaurs – Birth, Reign and Twilight
- Tyrannosaurus rex – a deadly force
- Verreaux’s eagle – black eagle
- Veterinary Education in the US
- Victoria Falls
- Virunga National Park – world of Tarzan
- Walrus – strong and dangerous
- We know how dinosaurs became extinct. A new discovery
- Wedge-tailed eagle – eaglehawk
- Weight of raptors – the heaviest raptors (dromaeosaurs) TOP 10
- Werewolf, werewolves
- West Highland White Terrier
- Whale shark – the world’s largest fish
- What Animal Migration Teaches Us
- What do we know about extinct animals?
- What Is A Toy Cavapoo?
- What Is Pet Insurance
- Which animals would be best at human games?
- White lions
- White rhinoceros – the largest rhino
- White Swiss Shepherd Dog
- White tigers – myths and facts
- White-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)
- Why do people and animals sleep?
- Wild children – feral children
- Wildcat (Felis silvestris) – a small wild cat
- Wolf, gray wolf, grey wolf (Canis lupus)
- Wolverine – brave glutton
- Wombat – plump mammal
- Woolly rhinoceros – Pleistocene rhino
- Yangchuanosaurus – smart Asian warrior
- Yellowstone National Park
- Yeti – Abominable Snowman
- Yorkshire Terrier – popular small breed
- Yosemite National Park
- Yowie – Australian Yeti