
Predatory mammals population

Carnivorans by population

Population: Predatory mammals

Estimation of the population of predatory mammals. The list is not complete due to the lack of detailed data for many species.

Carnivorans by population

Common nameBinomial namePopulationStatusNotes
Iberian lynxLynx pardinus300ENAccording to European Union LIFE Nature conservation projects estimates population size tripled from 52 mature individuals in 2002 to 156 in 2012.
Iriomote catPrionailurus bengalensis iriomotensis100 – 109CRA subspecies of the leopard cat living exclusively on the Japanese island of Iriomote. Population size is declining, and consists of a single subpopulation.
Red wolfCanis rufus300CRMaximum estimate. No more than 50 mature individuals. Previously extinct in the wild.
Malabar large-spotted civetViverra civettina250CRMaximum estimate. Previously considered possibly extinct.
Darwin’s foxPseudalopex fulvipes250CRMaximum estimate for mature individuals.
Cozumel raccoonProcyon pygmaeus323 – 955CRMature individuals number less than 250. Populations can be severely affected by hurricanes.
Saimaa ringed sealPusa hispida saimensis310CRThe most endangered pinniped.
Mediterranean monk sealMonachus monachus350 – 450ENThe second most endangered pinniped.
Ethiopian wolfCanis simensis500ENOne of the world’s rarest canids, and Africa’s most endangered carnivore.
Hawaiian monk sealMonachus schauinslandi935ENNumbered 1448 in 1983. The rate of decrease appears to be rising.
Marine otterLontra felina1,000ENMaximum estimate from 1991; numbers have probably fallen.
Giant otterPteronura brasiliensis1,000 – 5,000EN
Black-footed ferretMustela nigripes1,300ENMaximum estimate. 1,000 wild and 300 domestic. Almost became extinct in the 1980s.
Island foxUrocyon littoralis1,500CRMaximum estimate in 2002. Numbers had declined from 6,000 in 1994 and appear to be continuing the trend, so present numbers are likely much lower.
Giant pandaAiluropoda melanoleuca1,800VUMaximum estimate for mature individuals.
Bay catPardofelis badia2,500ENMaximum estimate.
DholeCuon alpinus2,500ENMaximum estimate for mature individuals.
FossaCryptoprocta ferox2,500VUMaximum estimate.
Andean mountain catLeopardus jacobita2,500ENMaximum estimate.
Grandidier’s mongooseGalidictis grandidieri2,650 – 3,540EN
TigerPanthera tigris3,890EN
Snow leopardPanthera uncia7,000EN
Brown hyenaHyaena brunnea8,000NT
Striped hyenaHyaena hyaena14,000NT
African wild dogLycaon pictus6,600EN
CheetahAcinonyx jubatus7,500VUEstimate is for mature individuals only. Number may reach as high as 10,000.
Eurasian lynxLynx lynx8,000LC
Sunda clouded leopardNeofelis diardi10,000VUMaximum estimate.
Marbled catPardofelis marmorata10,000VUMaximum estimate.
Rusty-spotted catPrionailurus rubiginosus10,000VU
Clouded leopardNeofelis nebulosa10,000VUMaximum estimate for mature individuals.
Red pandaAilurus fulgens10,000VU
African golden catCaracal aurata10,000NTMinimum estimate for mature individuals.
KodkodLeopardus guigna10,000VUMaximum estimate.
Chinese mountain catF. silvestris bieti10,000VUMaximum estimate for mature individuals.
Galápagos fur sealArctocephalus galapagoensis10 000 – 15 000ENDown from 30 – 40 000 in 1978.
New Zealand sea lionPhocarctos hookeri11,855EN
Juan Fernández fur sealArctocephalus philippii12,000NTEstimate is from the early 1990s; numbers appear to be increasing.
Australian sea lionNeophoca cinerea13,790EN
Sechuran foxLycalopex sechurae15,000NTMaximum estimate for mature individuals.
Guadalupe fur sealArctocephalus townsendi15,000 – 17,000NTNumbered 200 – 500 in the 1950s.
Sloth bearMelursus ursinus20,000VUMaximum estimate.
Polar bearUrsus maritimus25,000VU
Galápagos sea lionZalophus wollebaeki20,000 – 40,000EN
Maned wolfChrysocyon brachyurus23,600NT
Spotted hyenaCrocuta crocuta27 000 – 47 000LCTentative estimate.
LionPanthera leo35,000VUComprises several subspecies in Africa and Asia. The former has higher population and most subspecies: a recent study has given a global range of 29,000 – 47,000. The Asiatic species numbers an estimated 650.
LeopardPanthera pardus75,000NT
Baikal sealPusa sibirica80,000 – 100,000LC
Sea otterEnhydra lutris106,822EN
Bush dogSpeothos venaticus110,000NTConsidered an overestimate.
Caspian sealPusa caspica111,000ENOnce numbered over 1,000,000.
Ross sealOmmatophoca rossii130,000LC
Steller sea lionEumetopias jubatus143,000NTDivided into two subspecies: Western Steller (78,000) and Loughlin’s Steller (65,000).
Northern elephant sealMirounga angustirostris171,000LCNumbered 113,000 in 1991.
New Zealand fur sealArctocephalus forsteri200,000LC
Brown bearUrsus arctos200,000LCMinimum estimate. Russia has the largest number of brown bears, believed to exceed 100,000, while estimates in the U.S. are around 33,000 (most in Alaska), Canada 25,000, and Europe (excluding Russia) 14,000.
South American sea lionOtaria flavescens250,000LCMinimum estimate.
South American fur sealArctocephalus australis250,000 – 300,000LC
Grey wolf300,000LC
Leopard sealHydrurga leptonyx300,000LC
Subantarctic fur sealArctocephalus tropicalis310,000LCEstimate is from 1987; almost certainly an underestimate.
Harbor sealPhoca vitulina350,000 – 500,000LC
California sea lionZalophus californianus355,000LC
Grey sealHalichoerus grypus400,000LC
Weddell sealLeptonychotes weddellii500,000LCMinimum estimate.
Southern elephant sealMirounga leonina500,000LCLatest global estimates are from the mid-1990s.
Hooded sealCystophora cristata662,000VU592,000 in the Northwest Atlantic and 70,000 in the Northeast. The latter population has declined 85-90% in the past 60 years for unknown reasons.
American black bearUrsus americanus950,000LCNumbers are believed to be twice that of all other bears combined.
Northern fur sealCallorhinus ursinus1,100,000VU
Brown fur sealArctocephalus pusillus2,092,000LCDivided into two subspecies: Cape (2,000,000) and Australian (92,000).
Harp sealPagophilus groenlandicus8,000,000LCMaximum estimate.
Crabeater sealLobodon carcinophaga> 8,000,000LCEstimates are highly uncertain due to their widespread distribution on the pack ice surrounding Antarctica.
Red foxVulpes vulpesUnknownLCEstimates are uncertain because a coordinated worldwide census has never been conducted.
Cat (domestic)Felis catus600,000,000Domesticated2007 estimate
Dog (domestic)C. lupus familiaris900,000,000Domesticated


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