
  • Guanaco (Lama guanicoe)

    Guanaco: The Silent Guardian of the Andes In the windswept expanses of Patagonia and the rugged highlands of the Andes,…

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  • Syrian brown bear

    Syrian brown bear (Ursus arctos syriacus / Ursus arctos arctos) In the shadowed valleys and rugged peaks of the Middle East, where…

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  • Length of pregnancy in mammals

    Pregnancy in mammals Pregnancy in mammals is a diverse and intricate process that varies significantly across species. The gestation period,…

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  • The Lost Young Tiger

    The lost tiger, or the road to adulthood Tales from the jungle In the heart of the green jungle, where…

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  • 10 Fascinating Facts About Horses

    Fascinating Facts About Horses Horses are our most loyal companions and over the years we’ve created a special bond with…

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