
The world of animals

  • Katmai National Park and Preserve

    Discovering Katmai: The Geologic and Wildlife Treasures of Alaska We are accustomed to national parks primarily protecting well-preserved, unique, rare,…

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  • Caring for a Maine Coon Cat

    Caring for a Full Grown Maine Coon Cat: Tips and Advice The Maine Coon cat breed is one of the…

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  • Guanaco (Lama guanicoe)

    Guanaco: The Silent Guardian of the Andes In the windswept expanses of Patagonia and the rugged highlands of the Andes,…

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  • Syrian brown bear

    Syrian brown bear (Ursus arctos syriacus / Ursus arctos arctos) In the shadowed valleys and rugged peaks of the Middle East, where…

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  • Komondor

    Komondor: The Fearless Flock Guardian The Komondor, with its distinctive corded coat and imposing presence, is a remarkable breed originating…

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