The largest dinosaurs – TOP 10
The longest and heaviest dinosaurs – TOP 10
Dimensions and weight of the largest dinosaurs
Until the 19th century, no one even suspected that dinosaurs used to live on Earth. Their remains were first found between 1815 and 1824 by William Buckland, a professor of geology at Oxford. The animal, to which the remains belonged, was called Megalosaurus, in other words “big lizard”. Since then, more than 800 of the fossil species of dinosaurs have been found – see the Complete dinosaurs database. Today it is already known for certain that some lizards were ferocious predators, and some were quite harmless herbivorous.
Over the years we have prepared many lists of dinosaur sizes. Our readers could get to know both the largest herbivorous dinosaurs and the largest predatory dinosaurs. Time, however, is inexorably flowing and new discoveries verify earlier findings. Today, therefore, we are presenting an up-to-date list of the longest and heaviest dinosaurs according to the state of knowledge from the beginning of 2018.
Was Amphicoelias the largest dinosaur?
In our comparison, we omitted Amphicoelias. Its sizes are given differently, usually in the range of 40-60 m in length at a mass of 122 t, but this species is known for a single incomplete bone, which in addition has been lost. For this reason, the only source of information about this dinosaur are the drawings of this bone and notes about it.
Was Bruhathkayosaurus the heaviest dinosaur?
Bruhathkayosaurus matleyi – sizes of the Bruhatkayosaurus are estimated on the basis of a tibia bone with a length of 200 cm and a 75 cm femur shaft condyle extracted from the Kallamed Formation in India (in the state of Tamil Nadu). Some paleontologists believe that its alleged fossils are simply pieces of wood. For this reason, it is now considered a nomen dubium.

The largest dinosaurs
The longest dinosaurs TOP 10
No | Dinosaur | Length | Weight |
1 | Amphicoelias fragillimus | 45 m | 60-70 tons |
2 | Barosaurus lentus | 38-48 m | 43-66 tons |
3 | Bruhathkayosaurus matleyi | 35-36 m | 75 tons |
4 | Argentinosaurus huinculensis | 35 m | 65 tons |
5 | Supersaurus vivianae | 32-35 m | 30-40 tons |
6 | Puertasaurus reuili | 32 m | 70 tons |
7 | Sauroposeidon proteles | 32 m | 45-50 tons |
8 | Patagotitan mayorum | 31 m | 55 tons |
9 | Xinjiangtitan shanshanesis | 30-32 m | 40 tons |
10 | Alamosaurus sanjuanensis | 30-31 m | 60-65 tons |
11 | Ruyangosaurus giganteus | 30 m | 50 tons |
12 | Apatosaurus ajax | 30 m | 50 tons |
13 | Hudiesaurus sinojapanorum | 30 m | 30-35 tons |
14 | Diplodocus hallorum | 29-32 m | 20-25 tons |
15 | “Brachiosaurus” nougaredi | 29-31 m | 55-60 tons |
16 | Yunmenglong ruyangensis | 27-29 m | 45 tons |
17 | Diplodocus longus | 27-28 m | 12-16 tons |
18 | Notocolossus gonzalezparejasi | 27 m | 50 tons |
19 | “Mamenchisaurus” sinocanadorum | 26-35 m | 20-45 tons |
20 | Brachiosaurus sp. | 26,5 m | 55 tons |
21 | Paralititan stromeri | 26 m | 45 tons |
22 | Giraffatitan brancai | 26 m | 43 tons |
23 | “Sauropodus” | 26 m | 40 tons |
24 | Daxiatitan binglingi | 25-27 m | 35 tons |
25 | “Probarodiplodocus” | 25-27 m | 10-15 tons |
26 | “Amphicoelias brontodiplodocus” | 25-27 m | 10-14 tons |
27 | Diplodocus carnegii | 25-27 m | 10-14 tons |
28 | Fusuisaurus zhaoi | 25-26 m | 45 tons |
29 | “Nuoersaurus qaganensis” | 25-26 m | 35-40 tons |
30 | “Antarctosaurus” giganteus | 25 m | 45 tons |
31 | “Huanghetitan” ruyangensis | 25 m | 45 tons |
32 | Argyrosaurus superbus cf. | 25 m | 40 tons |
33 | Tornieria africana | 25 m | 10-11 tons |
34 | “Bananabendersaurus” | 24-26 m | 35-40 tons |
35 | Futalognkosaurus dukei | 24 m | 40 tons |
36 | Dreadnoughtus schrani | 23-24 m | 35 tons |
37 | Turiasaurus riodevensis | 22-25 m | 30-40 tons |
38 | Traukutitan eocaudata | 22-24 m | 32-35 tons |
39 | “Mamenchisaurus” jingyanensis | 20-26 m | 12-20 tons |
The largest dinosaurs
The heaviest dinosaurs TOP 10
No | Dinosaur | Length | Weight |
1 | Bruhathkayosaurus matleyi | 35-36 m | 75 tons |
2 | Puertasaurus reuili | 32 m | 70 tons |
3 | Argentinosaurus huinculensis | 35 m | 65 tons |
4 | Amphicoelias fragillimus | 45 m | 60-70 tons |
5 | Alamosaurus sanjuanensis | 30-31 m | 60-65 tons |
6 | Barosaurus lentus | 38-48 m | 43-66 tons |
7 | “Brachiosaurus” nougaredi | 29-31 m | 55-60 tons |
8 | Patagotitan mayorum | 31 m | 55 tons |
9 | Brachiosaurus sp. | 26,5 m | 55 tons |
10 | Ruyangosaurus giganteus | 30 m | 50 tons |
11 | Apatosaurus ajax | 30 m | 50 tons |
12 | Notocolossus gonzalezparejasi | 27 m | 50 tons |
13 | Sauroposeidon proteles | 32 m | 45-50 tons |
14 | Yunmenglong ruyangensis | 27-29 m | 45 tons |
15 | Paralititan stromeri | 26 m | 45 tons |
16 | Fusuisaurus zhaoi | 25-26 m | 45 tons |
17 | “Antarctosaurus” giganteus | 25 m | 45 tons |
18 | “Huanghetitan” ruyangensis | 25 m | 45 tons |
19 | Giraffatitan brancai | 26 m | 43 tons |
20 | Xinjiangtitan shanshanesis | 30-32 m | 40 tons |
21 | “Sauropodus” | 26 m | 40 tons |
22 | Argyrosaurus superbus cf. | 25 m | 40 tons |
23 | Futalognkosaurus dukei | 24 m | 40 tons |
24 | “Nuoersaurus qaganensis” | 25-26 m | 35-40 tons |
25 | “Bananabendersaurus” | 24-26 m | 35-40 tons |
26 | Daxiatitan binglingi | 25-27 m | 35 tons |
27 | Dreadnoughtus schrani | 23-24 m | 35 tons |
28 | Traukutitan eocaudata | 22-24 m | 32-35 tons |
29 | Supersaurus vivianae | 32-35 m | 30-40 tons |
30 | Turiasaurus riodevensis | 22-25 m | 30-40 tons |
31 | Hudiesaurus sinojapanorum | 30 m | 30-35 tons |
32 | “Mamenchisaurus” sinocanadorum | 26-35 m | 20-45 tons |
33 | Diplodocus hallorum | 29-32 m | 20-25 tons |
34 | “Mamenchisaurus” jingyanensis | 20-26 m | 12-20 tons |
35 | Diplodocus longus | 27-28 m | 12-16 tons |
36 | “Probarodiplodocus” | 25-27 m | 10-15 tons |
37 | “Amphicoelias brontodiplodocus” | 25-27 m | 10-14 tons |
38 | Diplodocus carnegii | 25-27 m | 10-14 tons |
39 | Tornieria africana | 25 m | 10-11 tons |
- Dinosaurs
- Dinosaurs database
- Predatory dinosaurs
- Animals & dinosaurs records
- The longest dinosaurs. Sauropods Top 10
- The heaviest dinosaurs – Top 10
- The longest predatory dinosaurs. Theropods Top 10
- The heaviest predatory dinosaurs Top 10
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- The longest and largest ceratopsians
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Que mentiroso este ranking amphilocoelias es nomen dubium no existe como especie porque no hay prueba de su existencia.