AnimalsAsiaMammalsWild cats

Iriomote Cat – the Rarest Cat in the World

Iriomote Cat - Meet Japan's Wild Secret

Iriomote Cat: Saving Japan’s Unique Feline

It’s hard to believe that there are animals in the world whose numbers are measured not in thousands or even hundreds, but in mere units. The Iriomote cat is one of them – a predator species that lives only on one small island.

Iriomote cats were discovered by chance by Japanese writer Yukio Togawa, who specialized in animal studies. Two years later, they were described by Yoshinori Imaizumi, director of the animal department at the National Museum of Nature and Science in Tokyo. Today, they are probably the rarest predators in the world.


Some researchers consider the Iriomote cat to be a subspecies of the leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis). However, the differences between the Iriomote population and other members of this species are so significant that most researchers recognize it as a separate species. This is also how it is treated by the Japanese government, thus emphasizing its status.

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Mammalia
  • Order: Carnivora
  • Family: Felidae
  • Genus: Prionailurus
  • Species: Prionailurus bengalensis
    • Subspecies: Prionailurus bengalensis iriomotensis
  • Synonyms: Mayailurus iriomotensis
Iriomote cat (Prionailurus bengalensis iriomotensis)



The Iriomote cat is about the size of a domestic cat. Its silhouette is distinguished by a proportionally slightly larger, elongated head, a massive torso, and short, thick paws. Its ears are rounded, without clearly visible white patches, which distinguishes it from all other members of its genus. A feature that sets it apart from all other cats is the smaller number of premolars in the upper jaw.

The fur of the Iriomote cat ranges in color from dark gray to light brown, slightly lighter on the belly and limbs. The hairs around the muzzle are white, and there are two dark spots on each cheek. From the forehead to the back of the head, 5-7 dark stripes can be seen. The body is covered with dark brown spots. The tail is also dark brown and has an almost black tip.

The eyes of the Iriomote cats have amber irises, and their noses are large and flat. Their claws measure 29-37 mm (1.14-1.46 inches) in length, so they are much longer than those of domestic cats.

Male cats are 50-60 cm (19.7-23.6 in) long and weigh 3.5-5 kg (7.7-11 lb). Females are slightly smaller – they are 50-55 cm (19.7-21.7 in) long and weigh 3-3.5 kg (6.6-7.7 lb). The tail in both sexes reaches a similar length, about 23-24 cm (9.1-9.4 in).


The Iriomote cat is found, as the name suggests, only in one place: on Iriomote Island, with an area of approximately 290 km2 (112 sq mi). It is an island of low mountains (up to 460 m (1509 ft)) covered with evergreen forest, with many rivers and streams. Iriomote cats are found at altitudes up to 200 m (656 ft), near rivers and away from human settlements.

Iriomote cat (Prionailurus bengalensis iriomotensis)


Iriomote cats are very agile animals, equally adept at moving on the ground, climbing trees, and swimming. They are nocturnal, being particularly active at dusk. During the day, they sleep in depressions or caves. They mark their territory, which ranges from 1-7 km2 (0.4-2.7 sq mi), with urine. They patrol it, and it takes 3-4 days to traverse the entire area.

Iriomote cats are solitary, but the boundaries of female and male territories often overlap. Nevertheless, outside the mating season, the animals avoid each other. Due to the limited area, it happens that young individuals are unable to establish their own territory and must constantly hide from adults, waiting for a vacancy. Some manage to secure a small territory, which they sometimes abandon.

Iriomote cats feed on small mammals, lizards, snakes, and can also catch fish and crustaceans. They usually eat 400-600 g (0.9-1.3 lbs) of food per day. They usually hunt in wetlands and riverbanks. They hunt for water birds, which make up the majority of their diet, by diving and catching them from underwater. They also eat bats, which they catch in trees.

Their diet is very diverse, as they do not have to compete for food with other predators. As a result, they sometimes hunt large animals, usually reserved for larger predators, including ducks, rails, and even small wild boars.


The mating season of Iriomote cats lasts from December to March. During this time, they may also be active during the day. Females are very excited during this period, and for a period of about 2 weeks, they and the males do not stray from each other and sometimes even hunt together.

From April to June, females give birth to 1-3 young. The birth takes place in a hiding place that the female chooses earlier, looking for a dry and airy place. The kittens stay with their mother for about 11 months, but become more independent in late autumn. They reach sexual maturity one year after birth.

Wild Iriomote cats probably live 7-8 years, while in captivity up to 9 years (one individual lived 15 years and a month). However, the average lifespan is 5 years due to the fact that they are often victims of human activity.

Iriomote cat (Prionailurus bengalensis iriomotensis)

Iriomote cats and Humans

News of wild cats inhabiting Iriomote had reached scientists earlier, but it was not until 1965 that Yukio Togawa heard that these animals were different from domestic cats. Some scientists thought that these might be the last specimens of the Japanese wolf (a species considered extinct), but Togawa believed that the natives could surely distinguish a cat from a wolf. He assumed that they were escaped and feral domestic cats, but to be sure, he decided to check these reports.

The writer’s first encounter with Iriomote cats was not pleasant – it turned out that the islanders sometimes caught them and added them to dishes, and Togawa was served one of them. He also saw live animals kept in cages. Later, he spoke with a local teacher who gave him the skin and skull of a cat he had caught in a trap.

Togawa went to Tokyo, bringing scientists two skins and a skull. They examined the findings and concluded that they were dealing with a subspecies of the known Bengal cat, but the differences were so significant that it should be considered a new species.

As the findings turned out to be a scientific sensation, Togawa announced that he would pay the equivalent of 200 dollars to anyone who brought him a live and healthy cat and 100 dollars for remains. He quickly received complete skeletons and several skins, which he transported to Tokyo. In January 1966, a live male cat was captured for the first time, and the next day, a female. They were transported to the Tokyo zoo. The fact that their reception was well prepared is evidenced by the fact that the male lived there for 8 years, and the female for 10.

In May 1967, Japanese scientists announced that it was definitely a new cat species. They proposed the name “Togawa-yamaneko,” or “Togawa’s mountain cat,” to recognize his merits, but the writer refused, guided by honor. He proposed a more modest name – “Iriomote-yamaneko,” which means “Iriomote cat.”


The main threats to the Iriomote cats are traps set by islanders for wild boars and crabs. They also get hit by cars, and are sometimes attacked by dogs and larger domestic cats. Due to the fact that the entire wild population inhabits one island, their numbers are extremely small – at the time of discovery, there were probably 108-118 cats.

In 1994, the entire wild population was estimated at 99 individuals. In 2007, it turned out that there were slightly more, exactly 109. According to the IUCN, the Iriomote cat is critically endangered.

Iriomote cats do not interbreed with domestic cats, but they often come into contact with them. Scientists were concerned by the fact that some of the domestic cats on the island are carriers of the FIV virus*, to which Iriomote cats are not resistant. Infection can therefore threaten the entire population.

*The FIV virus is the feline immunodeficiency virus. This virus is commonly known as feline AIDS.

Iriomote cat (Prionailurus bengalensis iriomotensis)


In 2008, the Iriomote cat was classified as critically endangered (CR – critically endangered) according to the IUCN classification. The Okinawa Prefecture, which governs Iriomote, recognized it as a natural monument as early as 1972. In 1994, it received a special protection law.

On May 15, 1973, the Japanese authorities established a reserve, which in 1991 was transformed into the Iriomote-Ishigaki National Park. It has an area of 205.69 km2 (79.42 sq mi), thus covering most of the island. Unfortunately, it was created at a time when no one knew that this cat avoids mountains and only half of its area meets its requirements. Only in 1995 was a research program started to accurately determine the lifestyle of this cat.

In 1973, the WWF, together with the Japanese Ministry of the Environment, organized research on the ecology of the Iriomote cat to establish effective protection rules. Since 2006, the island has been monitored using automatic cameras and microphones.

All these efforts have allowed for a minimal increase in the number of Iriomote cats. Further successes are rather impossible due to the very limited area available to this species. Therefore, the actions taken are rather aimed at preventing their extinction and maintaining the number at the current level – further increasing it would mean overpopulation.


On August 6, 1996, a mere 5-month-old male kitten was found on the road, hit by a car. Due to his injuries, he was taken to a veterinary clinic in the western part of the island, where he was named Yon. The kitten underwent complex surgeries and was then released into an enclosure that replicated natural conditions as closely as possible.

To enable him to return to nature later, his contact with humans was minimized – only three people had access to the enclosure, and others (including interested media and even scientists) could observe him via cameras. Yon died in December 2010 at the age of 15 years and one month.

Yon’s popularity in the media made Iriomote cats known worldwide, which contributed to the preparation of protection programs for them. The residents of Iriomote recognized him as a mascot and symbol of the island.

Iriomote cat (Prionailurus bengalensis iriomotensis)

Detailed Data / Dimensions

Iriomote cat in Numbers

  • Body length:
    • male: 50-60 cm (1.64  to 1.97 ft)
    • female: 50-55 cm (1.64 to 1.8 ft)
  • Body weight:
    • male: 3.5-5 kg (7.7-11 lb)
    • female: 3-3.5 kg (6.6-7.7 lb)
  • Tail length: 23-24 cm (9.1-9.4 in)

Iriomote cat – Interesting Facts

  • The Iriomote cat has the smallest range of occurrence of all cats.
  • The inhabitants of Iriomote Island call this cat “Yamapikaryaa” in the local dialect – “the one that shines in the mountains.”
  • It is unknown how Iriomote cats appeared on Iriomote. It is believed that their ancestors were domesticated Bengal cats, which escaped from a ship that docked there hundreds of years earlier.
Iriomote cat (Prionailurus bengalensis iriomotensis)


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