Domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris)
Of course, the ranking couldn’t do without human’s best friend. A high level of socializing and the ability to learn in many ways with the reward and punishment method, and, also, by observation, are their strongest features.
Dogs are aware of inanimate objects around, but learning this is a long-lasting process, as in children.
The receptive brains of puppies learn adequate behaviors by observing older, more experienced dogs, as well as imitating human behaviors.
Domestic dogs show advanced social behaviors by associating behaviors with abstract meaning, for example, they know that beings that surround them are also aware of their presence.
Researchers have proven that dogs can interpret subtle social signals and it seems that they recognize when a human focuses his or her attention on them. In some tests showing these behaviors, dogs turned out to be better than primates – chimpanzees, and even infants.
The complex brain structure suggests that these animals experience strong anxiety when they are left by their owners.