10 myths about cats that every cat owner must know
The sheer large number of old wives’ tales that continue to put cat owners in a dilemma need some clarification time and again. Many feline owners tend to steer in the wrong direction putting their pet’s health and wellbeing in danger by falling for such tales which more often than not are nothing but myths and misconceptions.
If you are a cat owner or whether you’re planning to adopt a cat it’s important to know that caring for cats is no walk in the park. A happy feline friend is a result of lots of care, a healthy & nutritional diet, proper grooming, and most of all staying clear of any myths that may have captured your mind. These common misconceptions and dangerous myths might thwart all your attempts at caring for your cat. So here are the ten most popular myths about cats that cat owners must know:

1. Cats can be given milk
Most television shows and cartoons portrait milk as part of the essential cat diet. While most cats love milk and will empty an entire pan of it, milk is bad for their health. Almost all cats are lactose intolerant and cannot digest cow’s milk. Your feline friend may have an upset stomach if you feed them cow’s milk. A kitten can only feed on a cat’s milk or special formula given by a vet, otherwise, milk is a no-no for your cat.
2. Cats are low maintenance
The preconceived notions about felines suggesting how independent they are may often give a wrong impression that they are low-maintenance. However, to ensure their holistic development through a nutritious diet and adequate activity it is important to equip your home with cat toys and cat food. While it may not be too expensive, saying that cats are low-maintenance is a misconception.

3. Cats can be given a vegetarian diet
Cats are carnivores and hunters by birth, to deprive them of the food they love most which is meat, is nothing but injustice to your pet. Many cat owners believe that cats can adapt to a vegan diet however vets all across the world disagree with it. Cats are obligate carnivores and they need animal tissue to meet their dietary needs.
4. Cats always land on their feet
While this may be true to some extent, most cats don’t always land on their feet without injuring themselves. Cats can manage to land on their feet without hurting themselves if the fall is short. However, serious injuries can occur in a fall from 10 to 12 feet. These injuries from falling are fairly common in kittens.

5. Cats don’t need vaccination
Felines need vaccines just like dogs do. Regular health checkups, vaccination and medication should be an essential part of your cat’s schedule. So don’t save yourself from spending those extra bucks on your cat’s health and wellbeing. Provide them with a safety net to cover the costs of all their medications, vet visits, and vaccination by getting them cat health insurance. Cat owners often forget to consider the costs of routine check-ups or health-related problems that could come their way. These costs could be a little daunting if a health insurance cover isn’t there to shield you.
6. It’s normal for cats to cough up hairballs
It’s absolutely not normal or healthy for cats to cough up hairballs. Experts believe coughing up hairballs is a sign that your cat either swallowed too much hair while self-grooming or their digestive system is unable to process the hair that they swallow.

7. Cats and dogs are enemies
Cartoons suggest that cats and dogs are archnemeses, the reality, however, is quite different. Many pet owners have cats and dogs that coexist peacefully and even love each other dearly.
8. Cats don’t need company and can be left alone
As opposed to this myth, cats are quiet loving creatures who would rather snuggle up with you than sleep alone. The fact that cats don’t need companionship holds no truth. Cats like other animals have emotions and are attached to their humans as well as other animals.

9. Cats can eat dog food
Cats and dogs have different nutritional requirements and it is imperative to provide them with what their system and body needs. What’s more is that cats and dogs even have different metabolism and digestion capacities so do not try feeding your cat, dog food.
10. Cats can be given human medication
This is one of the most common misconceptions that can lead to a lot of health problems in your cat. While dogs can be given human medication in some cases, it is strictly advised to not administer any human medication to cats.

All said and done, it is essential to understand that cats are pets and require if not more than the same amount of attention, care and love as dogs or any other pets. As cat owners, it’s crucial to stay away from these myths and misconceptions about your feline friends that may put you in doubt.