AnimalsAsiaMammalsWild cats

Chinese mountain cat

Chinese Mountain Cat - Mysterious Inhabitant of Tibetan Plateau

Chinese Mountain Cat (Felis bieti)

Elusive Predator from Tibet

The Chinese mountain cat, also known as the Chinese steppe cat and the Chinese desert cat (Felis bieti), is a small wild cat species inhabiting the remote areas of China. First described in 1892 by the French zoologist Alphonse Milne-Edwards, it is one of the least studied members of the Felidae family. Its mystery stems from both the inaccessible environment in which it lives and the limited amount of scientific research on the subject. This species is distinguished by its adaptation to the harsh high-mountain conditions and plays a vital role in the ecosystem of the Tibetan Plateau.


  • Kingdom: Animalia (Animals)
  • Phylum: Chordata (Chordates)
  • Class: Mammalia (Mammals)
  • Order: Carnivora (Carnivores)
  • Family: Felidae (Cats)
  • Genus: Felis (Cat)
  • Species: Felis bieti (Chinese Mountain Cat)
  • Names: Chinese mountain cat, Chinese desert cat, Chinese steppe cat

The scientific name Felis bieti was given in honor of the French missionary and naturalist Félix Biet, who collected specimens of this cat in China in the 19th century. This species was formally described in 1892 by zoologist Alphonse Milne-Edwards. The Chinese mountain cat is closely related to other members of the genus Felis, such as the domestic cat (Felis catus) and the African wildcat (Felis lybica), but it is distinguished by specific adaptations to living in the harsh, high-mountain environment of the Tibetan Plateau. Currently, no subspecies of the Chinese mountain cat are recognized, which may be due to its limited geographic range and the lack of sufficient genetic data for further classification.

Chinese mountain cat (Felis bieti)


The Chinese mountain cat is endemic to the Tibetan Plateau in western China, mainly in the provinces of Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, and the Tibet Autonomous Region. It is found at altitudes ranging from 2,500 to 5,000 meters (approximately 8,200 to 16,400 feet) above sea level, in dry, rocky, and grassy mountainous terrain. Its geographic range is limited to these specific areas, making it a species with a relatively narrow distribution.

The Chinese mountain cat is a medium-sized wild cat, reaching a body length of 68 to 84 cm (27 to 33 inches) and a weight of 4.5 to 9 kg (10 to 20 lb). Its fur is dense and fluffy, with a gray-yellow base color and brown or reddish accents, providing excellent camouflage in its rocky environment. Distinctive features include a broad head, short, rounded ears with white markings on the back, and a bushy tail with dark rings. The legs are relatively short but strong, facilitating movement over rough terrain.

Chinese mountain cat (Felis bieti)


The Chinese mountain cat is a carnivore, and its diet is primarily based on small mammals, such as pikas (Ochotona), which are common rodents on the Tibetan Plateau. It also hunts other small animals, including birds, rabbits, and occasionally small rodents. Its ability to survive in harsh conditions stems from its effectiveness in tracking and capturing prey in an environment with limited food availability.

Behavior, Lifestyle, Ecology

The Chinese mountain cat leads a solitary and nocturnal lifestyle, although it may be active at dusk or dawn (crepuscular behavior). It is perfectly adapted to living in the cold, dry, high-mountain climate, where temperatures can drop below freezing. Its territory is extensive, and boundaries are marked with scents and scratches on rocks. As a predator, it plays a crucial role in controlling pika populations, which affects the ecological balance of the region.

Chinese mountain cat (Felis bieti)

Reproduction and Parenting

The breeding season of the Chinese mountain cat occurs from January to March. After a gestation period of approximately 60–70 days, the female gives birth to 2 to 4 kittens, usually in hidden burrows or rock crevices. The young remain under the care of their mother for several months, learning to hunt and survive in the harsh environment. Males do not participate in raising the offspring. There is a lack of detailed data on lifespan in the wild (likely 8-12 years), but in captivity, these cats can live for over a dozen years.


The Chinese mountain cat is classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as a vulnerable species. Major threats include habitat loss due to the development of agriculture and infrastructure, as well as the poisoning of pikas, which are its primary food source. Hunting for fur, although now less common, has also been a problem in the past. It is estimated that the population of this species is less than 10,000 individuals and continues to decline.

Chinese mountain cat (Felis bieti)

Detailed Data / Dimensions

Chinese Mountain Cat (Felis bieti)

  • Body length: 68 to 84 cm (2.23 – 2.76 ft)
  • Tail length: 29–41 cm (11 to 16 in)
  • Weight: 6.5–9 kg (14 to 20 lb)
  • Lifespan:
    • In the wild: 8-12 years
    • In captivity: 12-15 years

Interesting facts

  • The Chinese mountain cat is one of the least photographed wild cats in the world – the first photos in the wild were taken only in 2007.
  • Its fur is very dense, helping it survive the extreme frosts at high altitudes where other cats would not be able to function.
  • In local culture, it is sometimes called the “grass cat” because of its fondness for dry, grassy areas.
  • It is closely related to the domestic cat (Felis catus), but differs from it in its adaptation to living in extreme conditions.
  • The Chinese mountain cat remains a fascinating, though still enigmatic species, whose protection requires further research and efforts to preserve its natural environment.
Chinese mountain cat (Felis bieti)


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