Chupacabra – a mysterious animal
The mysterious chupacabra (chupacabras)
The Chupacabra is a mysterious animal with many texts written about and which feeds the mass imagination. Apparently it comes from Puerto Rico. It was also supposed to appear in Mexico and the southern part of the USA, in South America, and Europe. Apparently it sucked blood from other animals.
The legend of the chupacabra
The legend appeared around 1995, although the first signals about chupacabra are a bit older, which will be discussed later in the article. She was seen in the USA in Maine and in Chile (South America). Chupacabra has been recognized by scientists as a legendary animal, similar to e.g. a unicorn. Cryptozoologists consider them an unknown species of animal or creature from outer space. Its appearance is announced by mysterious signs in the sky. It’s an interesting story, but it is not known where it came from. It is studied by scientists and told by simple people.
Chupacabra’s eyes glow red and mesmerize humans and animals. It is interesting that the animals attacked by the Chupacabra do not defend themselves, at least no signs of a fight are visible. This is typical, the animals die right away, there are no signs of a fight, torn hair, and a pool of blood in the yards. Chupacabra kills immediately, does not give time for any reaction of the attacked animal and for defense.

What does Chupacabra look like?
It is a reptile-like animal with greenish-gray skin, sharp spines, and spines on its back. Its height is 90 – 120 cm, and it moves on its hind legs, similar to a kangaroo. Its mouth is similar to that of a dog or cat, and a forked tongue protrudes from its mouth. It gives off a sulfur smell that is pungent and unpleasant. The second version is an animal from the canine family, without hair, with a mane on its back. There is also writing about kangaroos with wings.
The first signals about the Chupacabra
The first signals about the Chupacabra appeared in 1987 (although similar events were observed in 1975). In Puerto Rico, a mysterious animal sucked the blood from animals and killed many animals (goats, horses and birds).
In 1995, in Puerto Rico, a 25-year-old resident saw a mysterious animal jumping like a kangaroo but not a kangaroo. Tales of an unknown creature that maim or kill animals have been written, has a scaly body, red eyes, sharp teeth and a split tongue that prowls at night and moves in strange ways, jumping on its hind legs.
In 1997, in Brazil, many saw a mysterious animal that resembled a dog sitting in a tree.
The legend of Chupacabra spread across many regions of the world and fascinated people to such an extent that T-shirts and mugs with images of a mysterious creature were produced. An excellent marketing trick and a way to earn, but also to perpetuate the legend of a mysterious animal. The latest hits are board games using the theme of this creature.

Chupacabra in Europe
Chupacabra in Poland
In the village of Kornelin, in the Sochaczew county in Poland, a mysterious creature sucked blood from seven goats and appeared in the stories of the inhabitants for months. It happened on the night of June 28-29, 2009. Eight out of seventeen goats were bitten and drained of blood. In the morning, the hosts saw a terrible sight – the bodies of dead goats in the yard.
The Antoniak property is surrounded by a high fence and secured by an electric shepherd. To overcome it is a real challenge, so stories about Chupacabra have appeared. The night murderer left no footprints or hair marks, but gnawed oval holes in the goats and drained their blood. One of the goats was bitten off by the creature. The case is mysterious and has not been clarified. A local veterinarian wrote that the goats had been bitten by a pack of wild dogs.
The animal, moving on two legs and covered with scales, was also seen in the Sochaczew county in 2010. In the vicinity of Młodzieszyn, strange footprints were found, unheard of so far and arousing curiosity, they were photographed and assigned to Chupacabra.
In 2017, Chupacabra appeared in Poland near Włocławek. In the village of Kruszynek near Włocławek, a mysterious animal sucked blood from farm animals. It was killed, looked like a large dog or fox, had protruding fangs and a long tail. Very long paws were characteristic of the animal. Some say that it is a golden jackal that appears more and more often in Poland. Interestingly, the animal does not take the loot, but only drinks their blood and leaves rabbits, goats or sheep on the property.

Chupacabra in Ukraine
In 2016, a Ukrainian citizen in Rukshin (western Ukraine) killed an unknown animal. It was said to be the famous Chupacabra. The animal sucked blood from chickens and rabbits for months. After months of terror, Ivan killed an unknown creature and freed the town from terror.
The animal resembled an African fox, but had very long legs, teeth and a neck, suggesting a different species of animal. Scientists have not been able to determine what it is, the animal was photographed and sent for research. Maybe it is a cryptid or an unknown species? It is not known, but the case is open.
Unfortunately, another animal came to the same town and started sucking blood from goats, rabbits and chickens. The inhabitants were not given peace.

So what is Chupacabra?
In summary, the Chupacabra appears here and there, killing chickens, goats, sheep or rabbits and chickens, harming farmers around the world. Traces of it have also been noticed in Europe. It looks like scientists, researchers and sensation hunters will have many more stories like this to be explored and told.
What do you think is chupacabra? Is it (as the proponents of cryptozoology claim) a species unknown to science, a big cat, a big dog, or maybe an animal resulting from a genetic experiment that escaped from the laboratory? Or maybe the legend of the Chupacabra is attributed to various, not necessarily related, phenomena?

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