The heaviest predatory dinosaurs. Theropods Top 10
The heaviest Theropods – TOP10
Dinosaurs have always been a source of fascination for people of all ages. These giant creatures once roamed the Earth and now captivate our imagination with their sheer size and power. Among the dinosaurs, theropods were a group of carnivorous dinosaurs that stood out for their hunting abilities and massive size.
These predators ruled the land and dominated the food chain, with some species reaching lengths of up to 14 meters and weighing over 9 tons. In this article, we will take a closer look at the top 10 heaviest theropod dinosaurs that ever lived. From the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex to the lesser-known Spinosaurus, we will delve into the anatomy, hunting habits, and characteristics of these incredible beasts. So buckle up and get ready to meet the largest and most intimidating predatory dinosaurs that ever existed.
Since the original version of our summary was published, scientific studies have reviewed the weight data for theropods. It turns out that the earlier vision of a Spinosaurus was not the truth, and that it was not the heaviest predatory dinosaur. So in 2020 we updated the data, which we present in a table at the end of the article. This is the most comprehensive list of theropods in the world.

The largest (heaviest) predatory dinosaurs TOP 10 – old statement
- Spinosaurus aegyptiacus: 7-21 t
- Carcharodontosaurus iguidensis: 7-15 t
- Carcharodontosaurus saharicus: 6-15 t
- Giganotosaurus carolinii: 6,5-14 t
- Tyrannosaurus rex: 6-9,5 t
- Bahariasaurus ingens: 6-9,5 t
- Deinocheirus mirificus: 6-9 t
- Oxalaia quilombensis: 5–7 t
- Acrocanthosaurus atokensis: 5,6-6,2 t
- Tarbosaurus bataar: 6 t
- Tyrannotitan chubutensis: 5-6 t
- Mapusaurus roseae: 3–5 t
- Therizinosaurus: 3-5 t (if it was a predator?)
- Suchomimus tenerensis: 2,6-5,2 t
- Chilantaisaurus tashuikouensis: 2,5–6 t
- Allosaurus: 1,4 – 2,3 t

The largest (heaviest) Theropods TOP 10 – update AD 2020
No | Dinosaur | Weight [t] | Weight [kg] | Weight [lb] |
1 | Tyrannosaurus rex | 9.3 t | 9 300 kg | 20 503 lb |
2 | Giganotosaurus carolinii | 7.4 t | 7 400 kg | 16 314 lb |
3 | Deinocheirus mirificus | 7.0 t | 7 000 kg | 15 432 lb |
4 | Spinosaurus aegyptiacus | 6.9 t | 6 900 kg | 15 212 lb |
5 | Mapusaurus roseae | 6.9 t | 6 900 kg | 15 212 lb |
6 | Carcharodontosaurus saharicus | 6.4 t | 6 400 kg | 14 110 lb |
7 | Tyrannotitan chubutensis | 6.4 t | 6 400 kg | 14 110 lb |
8 | “Alamotyrannus brinkmani” | 6.0 t | 6 000 kg | 13 228 lb |
9 | Acrocanthosaurus atokensis | 5.8 t | 5 800 kg | 12 787 lb |
10 | “Megalosaurus” ingens | 5.3 t | 5 300 kg | 11 685 lb |
11 | Megalosaurus saharicus | 5.3 t | 5 300 kg | 11 685 lb |
12 | Tarbosaurus bataar | 5.0 t | 5 000 kg | 11 023 lb |
13 | “Suciasaurus rex” | 4.9 t | 4 900 kg | 10 803 lb |
14 | Sigilmassasaurus brevicollis | 4.8 t | 4 800 kg | 10 582 lb |
15 | Bahariasaurus ingens | 4.6 t | 4 600 kg | 10 141 lb |
16 | Therizinosaurus cheloniformis | 4.5 t | 4 500 kg | 9 921 lb |
17 | “Allosaurus” tendagurensis | 4.4 t | 4 400 kg | 9 700 lb |
18 | Zhuchengtyrannus magnus | 4.3 t | 4 300 kg | 9 480 lb |
19 | Cristatusaurus lapparenti | 4.0 t | 4 000 kg | 8 818 lb |
20 | Chilantaisaurus tashuikouensis | 3.8 t | 3 800 kg | 8 378 lb |
21 | Sauroniops pachytholus | 3.8 t | 3 800 kg | 8 378 lb |
22 | Carcharodontosaurus iguidensis | 3.7 t | 3 700 kg | 8 157 lb |
23 | Oxalaia quilombensis | 3.5 t | 3 500 kg | 7 716 lb |
24 | Edmarka rex | 3.5 t | 3 500 kg | 7 716 lb |
25 | “Capitalsaurus” potens | 3.5 t | 3 500 kg | 7 716 lb |
26 | “Tyrannosaurus” zhuchengensis | 3.5 t | 3 500 kg | 7 716 lb |
27 | Suchomimus tenerensis | 3.4 t | 3 400 kg | 7 496 lb |
28 | Siats meekerorum | 3.4 t | 3 400 kg | 7 496 lb |
29 | “Megalosaurus” chubutensis | 3.4 t | 3 400 kg | 7 496 lb |
30 | Torvosaurus tanneri | 3.3 t | 3 300 kg | 7 275 lb |
31 | Bistahieversor sealeyi | 3.3 t | 3 300 kg | 7 275 lb |
32 | Saurophaganax maximus | 3.2 t | 3 200 kg | 7 055 lb |
33 | “Tyrannosaurus” luanchuanensis | 3.2 t | 3 200 kg | 7 055 lb |
34 | “Dryptosaurus” kenabekides | 3.2 t | 3 200 kg | 7 055 lb |
35 | Pycnonemosaurus nevesi | 3.2 t | 3 200 kg | 7 055 lb |
36 | Daspletosaurus torosus | 3.1 t | 3 100 kg | 6 834 lb |
37 | “Megalosaurus” pombali | 3.0 t | 3 000 kg | 6 614 lb |
38 | Yangchuanosaurus shangyouensis | 2.9 t | 2 900 kg | 6 393 lb |
39 | Allosaurus fragilis | 2.9 t | 2 900 kg | 6 393 lb |
40 | Epanterias amplexus | 2.9 t | 2 900 kg | 6 393 lb |
41 | Albertosaurus sarcophagus | 2.9 t | 2 900 kg | 6 393 lb |
42 | Gorgosaurus libratus | 2.9 t | 2 900 kg | 6 393 lb |
43 | Torvosaurus gurneyi | 2.8 t | 2 800 kg | 6 173 lb |
44 | Teinurosaurus sauvagei | 2.8 t | 2 800 kg | 6 173 lb |
45 | “Chicagotyrannus chicagotyrannus” | 2.7 t | 2 700 kg | 5 952 lb |
46 | Labocania anomala | 2.6 t | 2 600 kg | 5 732 lb |
47 | “Megalosaurus” insignis | 2.5 t | 2 500 kg | 5 512 lb |
48 | “Allosaurus” medius | 2.5 t | 2 500 kg | 5 512 lb |
49 | Daspletosaurus horneri | 2.5 t | 2 500 kg | 5 512 lb |
50 | Ichthyovenator laosensis | 2.4 t | 2 400 kg | 5 291 lb |
51 | Megalosaurus bucklandii | 2.4 t | 2 400 kg | 5 291 lb |
52 | Dandakosaurus indicus | 2.3 t | 2 300 kg | 5 071 lb |
53 | Prodeinodon mongoliensis | 2.3 t | 2 300 kg | 5 071 lb |
54 | “Tyrannosaurus lanpingensis” | 2.3 t | 2 300 kg | 5 071 lb |
55 | Deinodon horridus | 2.2 t | 2 200 kg | 4 850 lb |
56 | Datanglong guangxiensis | 2.1 t | 2 100 kg | 4 630 lb |
57 | Baryonyx walkeri | 2.0 t | 2 000 kg | 4 409 lb |
58 | Sinotyrannus kazuoensis | 2.0 t | 2 000 kg | 4 409 lb |
59 | Sinraptor hepingensis | 2.0 t | 2 000 kg | 4 409 lb |
60 | Gigantoraptor erlianensis | 2.0 t | 2 000 kg | 4 409 lb |
61 | Segnosaurus galbinensis | 2.0 t | 2 000 kg | 4 409 lb |
T.rex weight 5-6,8 tons, not 10 tons
hey. your wrong.
t rex weight 7~9 tons
Tak, KCR jest tutaj…
T.rex weight 5-6,8 tons, not 10 tons. What’s!
hey. your wrong.
t rex weight 7~9.5 tons
T-rex have 8,5-11 tons
Redakcjo, Ibrahim oszacowal objetosc FSAC KK 11888 na 3864 l, a dlugosc na 10.37 (in natural pose) i na 10.93 m (in maximum length) Spinozaur wg Franoysa ma gestosc 0.995
0.995*3864 l=3845 kg.
MSNM V4047 mial czaszke o dlugosci 147.7 cm, a Neotyp mial czaszke o dlugosci 112 cm
Wiec MSNM V4047 wazyl 8818 kg.
A jego dlugosc to 13.68 i 14.41 m
Holotyp mial czaszke o dlugosci 113 cm i 7 kreg grzbietowy o dlugosci centrum 19 cm (vs 17 cm u FSAC KK 11888)
Wiec mial 10.61 i 11.18 m, a waga to 4120 kg.
Zuchwa BMNH R 16421 ma 69 cm, a czesc uzebiona zuchwy holotypu ma 51.7 cm.
Moja szacunkowa dlugosc tego osobnika to 14.16 i 14.92 m, a moja szaunkowa Waga to 9793 kg
Wiec mam dowody, ze Spinozaur osiagal wage 10 t
Ciekawostka jest, ze fragment zuchwy pod nazwa BMNH R 16421 ma 17 zebodolow, a holotyp tylko 15
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Z tym się nie zgodzę.