AfricaAllosauriaAllosauroideaAverostraAvetheropodaCarcharodontosauriaCarcharodontosauridaeCarcharodontosaurinaeCarnosauriaDinosauriaEusaurischiaLate CretaceousNeotheropodaOrionidesSaurischiaTetanuraeTheropoda

Carcharodontosaurus iguidensis

Dinosaur: Carcharodontosaurus iguidensis

Cretaceous: 100.5–93.9 Ma
Type: Theropod

Length*:11.4 m37.4 ft
Weight*:5.8 tons12,787 lb
ESR: 1.5 / 4 (estimated size reliability)
*The largest known specimen


Area: Africa


Carcharodontosaurus iguidensis

Carcharodontosaurus iguidensis was a massive theropod dinosaur that lived in what is now Niger, Africa, during the Late Cretaceous period, approximately 95 million years ago (Cenomanian stage). It was one of the largest known carcharodontosaurids, closely related to Carcharodontosaurus saharicus, but distinct in several anatomical features.

The name Carcharodontosaurus means “shark-toothed lizard,” referring to its serrated teeth, reminiscent of shark teeth, while iguidensis refers to the Iguidi region in Niger, where the fossils were found.

This species is significant because it provides evidence of dinosaur diversity across North Africa, showing that Carcharodontosaurus was not a single widespread species but had regional variations adapted to different environments.

During the Cenomanian stage, the Saharan region was not the barren desert we see today. Instead, it was a land of vast floodplains, winding rivers, and rich ecosystems teeming with life. It was home to multiple giant theropods, making it one of the most competitive predator-filled environments in Earth’s history. The discovery of C. iguidensis further deepens our understanding of how these apex predators coexisted.

Physical Characteristics

One of its most distinctive traits was its skull structure. The antorbital fossa (a depression in the skull in front of the eye) was noticeably reduced compared to C. saharicus, while the maxilla (upper jaw bone) had a more prominent horizontal crest. Additionally, the braincase displayed deeper invaginated fossae, which may have had functional implications for jaw strength or sensory capabilities.

Like other carcharodontosaurids, C. iguidensis had an elongated skull with razor-sharp, serrated teeth that could slice through flesh with deadly efficiency. However, its teeth were slightly smaller and less robust than those of C. saharicus, possibly indicating subtle differences in feeding strategy or prey preference.

Carcharodontosaurus iguidensis was a giant predator, likely reaching lengths of 10–12 meters (33–39 feet) and an estimated weight of 5–7 metric tons (11,000–15,400 lbs).

Like its relatives in the Carcharodontosauridae family, it had a long, deep skull, lined with powerful, blade-like teeth designed for slicing through flesh. Its head alone could have measured 1.6 meters (5.2 feet) in length, giving it a menacing bite radius.

Key anatomical differences from C. saharicus include:

  • A more reduced antorbital fossa (a depression in the skull in front of the eye).
  • A unique shape of the maxilla (upper jaw bone), with a more pronounced horizontal crest.
  • Differences in the braincase structure, including a deep invaginated fossa.
  • Slightly smaller teeth with less pronounced enamel wrinkles compared to C. saharicus.

These features suggest that C. iguidensis may have had different feeding mechanics or prey preferences than its Moroccan relative. Despite these differences, it remained a formidable apex predator, with a massive skull, powerful jaws, and blade-like teeth adapted for slicing through flesh.

Its skeleton was built for strength and speed, with long hind limbs that may have allowed it to reach impressive bursts of speed for such a large animal. While not as fast as smaller theropods, C. iguidensis was likely an ambush predator, using its size to overwhelm its prey in a single, devastating attack.

Despite its massive size, Carcharodontosaurus iguidensis was likely a fast and powerful predator, relying on strong hindlimbs and a muscular tail for bursts of speed when ambushing prey. It was not as heavily built as Tyrannosaurus rex, which relied on a bone-crushing bite, but instead used its blade-like teeth to deliver deep, slashing wounds, causing prey to bleed out before succumbing to exhaustion.

Diet and Feeding Habits

Like other carcharodontosaurids, Carcharodontosaurus iguidensis was a hypercarnivore, meaning it primarily fed on large herbivorous dinosaurs. The African Cenomanian ecosystems provided a wealth of potential prey, including:

  • Rebbachisaurid sauropods, which were common in the region.
  • Hadrosaur-like ornithopods, although they were less abundant in Africa.
  • Other large prey, possibly including smaller theropods or juvenile dinosaurs.

Unlike tyrannosaurs, which had powerful jaws designed for crushing bones, Carcharodontosaurus iguidensis relied on sawing and slicing techniques, using its finely serrated teeth to carve through muscle and soft tissue.

Given the presence of other large theropods, including Spinosaurus aegyptiacus, C. iguidensis may have had to compete for food. Unlike Spinosaurus, which was adapted for a semi-aquatic lifestyle, C. iguidensis was likely a dominant land predator, preying on large terrestrial herbivores.

It is possible that Carcharodontosaurus iguidensis also engaged in opportunistic scavenging, feeding on carcasses left behind by other predators. Given its keen sense of smell and sharp vision, it would have been capable of detecting decaying prey from considerable distances, much like modern scavengers.

Habitat and Distribution

During the Late Cretaceous, North Africa was a vastly different landscape than it is today. The Echkar Formation, where Carcharodontosaurus iguidensis was discovered, was once a lush environment filled with coastal floodplains, winding river systems, and seasonal wetlands. The warm, humid climate supported a rich and diverse ecosystem, teeming with both terrestrial and aquatic life.

Its environment was characterized by:

  • Floodplains and river systems, providing abundant prey.
  • Warm, humid climate, with seasonal changes in rainfall.
  • Diverse dinosaur fauna, including Spinosaurus, Rugops (an abelisaurid), and various sauropods.

Unlike the arid Sahara of today, this region was a lush, semi-tropical world filled with dense forests, winding rivers, and vast wetlands. Huge herds of herbivores roamed the landscape, and with such an abundance of prey, it is no surprise that multiple apex predators coexisted in the region.

This habitat was similar to the one occupied by Carcharodontosaurus saharicus in Morocco, but the two species appear to have been separated by geographic barriers, leading to evolutionary divergence.

The presence of multiple large predators in the same region suggests that each species may have specialized in different hunting techniques or targeted different types of prey to minimize direct competition.

Behavior and Social Structure

Although direct fossil evidence of behavior is scarce, Carcharodontosaurus iguidensis was likely a solitary hunter, much like other large theropods. However, it may have tolerated temporary group interactions, particularly in areas where food was abundant. It may have occasionally tolerated others during scavenging or mating seasons.

Possible behaviors include:

  • Ambush hunting, using its size and speed to surprise prey.
  • Intraspecific competition, with individuals fighting over food and territory.
  • Possible scavenging, taking advantage of carcasses left by other predators.

Its keen sense of smell would have been useful for both hunting and detecting carcasses, allowing it to track prey over long distances and its strong, muscular legs suggest it was capable of short bursts of speed, making it a deadly hunter. Additionally, its large forward-facing eyes suggest that it had excellent depth perception, crucial for targeting moving prey.

Discovery and Research

The fossils of Carcharodontosaurus iguidensis were discovered in the Iguidi region of Niger and formally described by Stephen Brusatte and Paul Sereno in 2007.

The holotype and referred material include:

  • A left maxilla (upper jaw bone).
  • A partial braincase and skull roof.
  • A right lacrimal (bone in front of the eye socket).
  • A left dentary (lower jaw bone).
  • Several isolated teeth.
  • A cervical vertebra (neck bone).

This discovery was significant because it provided the first clear evidence that multiple species of Carcharodontosaurus existed in North Africa, rather than a single widespread species. It also reinforced the idea that different dinosaur populations evolved in isolation due to geographic and environmental barriers, leading to the diversification of large predators.

Significance and Interesting Facts

  1. One of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs in Africa, rivaling Spinosaurus in size.
  2. Lived alongside Spinosaurus and Rugops, suggesting complex predator interactions.
  3. Its discovery proved that Carcharodontosaurus was not a single widespread species but had regional variations.
  4. Had massive, serrated teeth, similar in shape to those of great white sharks.
  5. Its fossils were found in the same region as Rugops primus, an abelisaurid theropod, suggesting different predatory niches.
  6. Used a different hunting strategy than Tyrannosaurus rex, relying on slashing bites rather than bone-crushing force.


Carcharodontosaurus iguidensis was a giant, flesh-tearing predator that ruled the Late Cretaceous floodplains of North Africa around 95 million years ago. Though closely related to C. saharicus, its distinct skull and jaw features set it apart as a separate species. Its discovery provided new insights into African dinosaur diversity, highlighting how geographic barriers led to the evolution of multiple large theropod species.

Its discovery helped also paleontologists understand the regional diversity of large theropods, showing that different populations of Carcharodontosaurus adapted to their environments over time.

This massive carnivore was one of the top predators of its time, sharing its world with other colossal dinosaurs in a constantly shifting ecosystem. Although it is not as well-known as some of its relatives, Carcharodontosaurus iguidensis remains an important piece in the puzzle of dinosaur evolution.



Material: Left maxilla, referred posterior skull roof and braincase, right lacrimal, left dentary, teeth, mid cervical centrum.
References: Brusatte, S.L. and Sereno, P.C. (2007). "A new species of Carcharodontosaurus (dinosauria: theropoda) from the Cenomanian of Niger and a revision of the genus.


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