Males may display homosexual behavior. Homosexual relations are similar to heterosexual ones.
In males acting as females, characteristic head injuries are observed, which also remain after traditional copulation.
The examination of 11 species of odonates indicated that such damages occur in 20 – 80 % males, what prove that homosexual relations between males may take place quite often.

Other insects
Insects like fruit flies or bedbugs may as well have homosexual preferences.
Whiptail lizards from the family Teiidae reproduce through parthenogenesis, which is why the number of males is small. The way of reproduction in its turn is very atypical.
Females engage in sexual activities aiming to stimulate ovulation of their partners.
Young females, which have a small level of hormones, stand in for ‘males’. Adult females, which may reproduce, are a passive partner.
Females, which constitute males, perform courtship and later make homosexual partnerships on making similar activities to those performed during intercourse. Although such behavior does not lead to fertilization, it increases a possibility of successful fertilization as it regulates endocrine system.

Many birds may be homosexual. These include razorbills, seagulls (10-15% of females) or black swans, in the case of which 25% of partnerships are homosexual. Other birds, which may be homosexual:
- Albatross
- Crow
- Emu
- Ibis
- Mallard
- Owl (Barn owl)
- Penguin (Emperor penguin)
- Pigeon
- Razorbill
- Rooster
- Seagull
- Swan
- Vulture

Homosexual behavior is also very common among fish.
Homosexual behavior in animals – curiosities
- The research from 2011 indicated that serotonin influences mice’s sexual orientation. In fruit flies, homosexual behavior was decreased due to dopamine.
- Homosexual relations are common and often in males and females of Asian elephants which are kept in a caption. Approx 45% of all relations are homosexual.
- Homosexuality occurs as well in males of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). They prefer the partners of similar age.
- The research on homosexual behavior in animals has lasted since 1999. Approx. 500 species displaying such preferences have been classified so far.
- It was noticed that homosexual relations in animals involve more affection, delicacy, creativity than it is in the case of heterosexual relations.