Dinosaur: Tsaagan mangas
Cretaceous: 83.6–72.1 Ma

Length*: | 1.95 m | 6.4 ft |
Weight*: | 16 kg | 35 lb |
*The largest known specimen
Epoch: Late Cretaceous
Stage: Late Campanian
Years: 83.6–72.1 Ma
Status: valid
Author: Norell et al.
Year: 2006
Area: Asia
Country: Mongolia, China
Region: Ömnögovi, Inner Mongolia
Formation: Djadokhta, Bayan Mandahu
Material: Skull and fragmentary skeleton. Referred Linheraptor exquisitus material ?
References: Norell, Clark, Turner, Makovicky, Barsbold & Rowe, (2006). A new dromaeosaurid theropod from Ukhaa Tolgod (Omnogov, Mongolia).
Xu, Pittman, Sullivan, Choiniere, Tan, Clark, Norell & Wang, (2015). The taxonomic status of the Late Cretaceous dromaeosaurid Linheraptor exquisitus and its implications for dromaeosaurid systematics.