AsiaAverostraAvetheropodaCoelurosauriaDinosauriaEarly CretaceousEusaurischiaNeotheropodaOrionidesPantyrannosauriaSaurischiaTetanuraeTheropodaTyrannoraptoraTyrannosauroidea

Dilong paradoxus

Dinosaur: Dilong paradoxus

Type: Theropod

Length*:1.8 m5.9 ft
Weight*:15 kg33 lb
Speed:40 km/h25 mph
ESR: 3 / 4 (estimated size reliability)
*The largest known specimen


Material: Three (or two ?) partial skeletons with skulls and partial skull.
References: Xu, Norell, Kuang, Wang, Zhao and Jia, (2004). Basal tyrannosauroids from China and evidence for protofeathers in tyrannosauroids.


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