Dinosaur: "Airakoraptor"
Cretaceous: 72.1–66 Ma

Length*: | 1.95 m | 6.4 ft |
Weight*: | 15 kg | 33 lb |
*The largest known specimen
Epoch: Late Cretaceous
Stage: Earliest Maastrichtian
Years: 72.1–66 Ma
Status: nomen nudum > Velociraptor mongoliensis
Author: Perle, Norell & Clark
Year: 1999
Area: Asia
Country: Mongolia
Region: Ömnögovi
Formation: Barun Goyot
Material: Partial skeleton including parts of skull, mandible, vertebrae, ulna, manus, ilium, and pes.
References: Perle, Norell and Clark, (1999). A new maniraptoran Theropod - Achillobator giganticus (Dromaeosauridae) - from the Upper Cretaceous of Burkhant, Mongolia.