
The world of animals

  • Obtaining water from dew and fog

    Namibian beetles – dew and mist catchers Can the darkling Namibian beetle help people? Every morning you use the toilet,…

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  • Javanese cat

    Colorpoint (Colourpoint) Longhair cat Javanese cat, Javi cat The exotic name corresponds very well with the appearance of the Javanese…

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  • Exploding ants – kamikaze ants

    Suicidal attack ants (Colobopsis explodens) When the invaders arrive – and sooner or later this always happens – a small…

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  • Does dog behavior depend on breed?

    The personality of dogs depends little on the breed Not all pit bulls are aggressive and not all Border Collies…

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  • Central Asian Shepherd Dog

    Central Asian Shepherd Dog – Alabay Asian natives learned their true nature, cooperating with them while caring for sheep herds.…

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