Dinosaur: "Jingia" dongxingensis
Jurassic: 154.8–149.2 Ma

Length*: | 14 m | 45.9 ft |
Weight*: | 5.6 tons | 12,346 lb |
*The largest known specimen
Epoch: Late Jurassic
Stage: Kimmeridgian
Years: 154.8–149.2 Ma
Status: S > Jingiella dongxingensis
Author: Ren et al.
Year: 2024
Area: Asia
Country: China
Region: Guangxi
Formation: Dongxing
Material: 2 dorsals, 1 sacral, 3 caudals, left and right ulnae and right femur.
References: Ren, X.-X.; Wang, X.-R.; Ji, Y.-N.; Guo, Z.; Ji, Q. (2024). "The first mamenchisaurid from the Upper Jurassic Dongxing Formation of Guangxi, southernmost China".