AsiaAverostraAvetheropodaCoelurosauriaDinosauriaEusaurischiaLate CretaceousManiraptoraManiraptoriformesNeotheropodaOrionidesParavesPennaraptoraSaurischiaTetanuraeTheropodaTroodontidaeTyrannoraptora

Harenadraco prima

Dinosaur: Harenadraco prima

Cretaceous: 83,6-72,1 Ma
Type: Theropod

Length*:85 cm2.8 ft
Weight*:1.6 kg4 lb
ESR: 1.5 / 4 (estimated size reliability)
*The largest known specimen


Area: Asia


Material: Two fragments of the right ilium, incomplete left hind limb elements and unidentified bone fragments.
References: Lee, S.; Lee, Y.-N.; Park, J.-Y.; Kim, S.-H.; Badamkhatan, Z.; Idersaikhan, D.; Tsogtbaatar, K. (2024). "The first troodontid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous Baruungoyot Formation of Mongolia".



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