Alphabetical Dinosaur Index

There are 3105 Dinosaurs in Database

    Year: 2002

  • Scansoriopteryx heilmanni

    Dinosaur Scansoriopteryx heilmanni: scientific and paleontological classification, description, dimensions, length, weight, speed, temporal range, species, fossils, references

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  • Sinovenator changii

    Dinosaur Sinovenator changii : scientific and paleontological classification, description, dimensions, length, weight, temporal range, species, fossils, references

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  • Sphaerotholus buchholtzae

    Dinosaur Sphaerotholus buchholtzae: scientific and paleontological classification, description, dimensions, length, weight, temporal range, species, fossils, references

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  • Sphaerotholus goodwini

    Dinosaur Sphaerotholus goodwini: scientific and paleontological classification, description, dimensions, length, weight, temporal range, species, fossils, references

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  • “Syntarsus mexicanum”

    Dinosaur "Syntarsus mexicanum": scientific and paleontological classification, description, dimensions, length, weight, temporal range, species, fossils, references

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  • Troodon inequalis

    Dinosaur Troodon inequalis: scientific and paleontological classification, description, dimensions, length, weight, temporal range, species, fossils, references

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