DinosauriaGenasauriaLate CretaceousNeornithischiaNorth AmericaOrnithischiaParapredentataPyrodontiaSaphornithischiaSulcimentisauriaThescelosauridaeThescelosaurinae

Fona herzogae

Dinosaur: Fona herzogae

Cretaceous: 99,4-99,2 Ma
Length*:2.2 m7.2 ft
Weight*:35 kg77 lb
ESR: 3 / 4 (estimated size reliability)
*The largest known specimen


Material: Nearly complete skeleton with skull fragments. Referred other individuals.
References: Avrahami, Haviv M.; Makovicky, Peter J.; Tucker, Ryan T.; Zanno, Lindsay E. (2024). "A new semi-fossorial thescelosaurine dinosaur from the Cenomanian-age Mussentuchit Member of the Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah".



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