AnkylosauriaDinosauriaEurypodaGenasauriaLate CretaceousNodosauridaeNorth AmericaOrnithischiaThyreophora

“Ferropectis brysorum”

Dinosaur: "Ferropectis brysorum"

Cretaceous: 100.5–93.9 Ma
Type: Ankylosaur

Length*:5.5 m18.0 ft
Weight*:1.2 tons2,646 lb
ESR: 2 / 4 (estimated size reliability)
*The largest known specimen


Epoch: Late Cretaceous
Stage: Cenomanian
Years: 100.5–93.9 Ma


Status: nomen ex dissertatione
Author: Clemens
Year: 2018


Area: North America
Country: USA
Region: Texas
Formation: Eagle Ford Group


Material: Partial skeleton with skull.
References: Clemens (2018). An Early Late Cretaceous Nodosaur from the Marine Eagle Ford Group of North Central Texas, a Test of the Endothermy in the Mosasaurs from the Late Cretaceous of Angola, and the Ontogeny of a New Pipid Frog from the Miocene of Ethiopia.


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