AsiaDinosauriaEurypodaGenasauriaMiddle JurassicOrnithischiaStegosauriaThyreophora

Bashanosaurus primitivus

Dinosaur: Bashanosaurus primitivus

Type: Stegosaur

Length*:4.1 m13.5 ft
Weight*:550 kg1,213 lb
ESR: 2.5 / 4 (estimated size reliability)
*The largest known specimen


Epoch: Middle Jurassic
Stage: Bathonian-Callovian


Status: valid
Autor: Dai et al.
Year: 2022
Area: Asia
Country: China
Region: Chongqing
Formation: Lower Shaximiao


Material: 2 partial skeletons and dorsal vertebra (totally 3 individuals).
References: Dai, H.; Li, N.; Maidment, S. C. R.; Wei, G.; Zhou, Y. X.; Hu, X. F.; Ma, Q. Y.; Wang, X. Q.; Hu, H. Q.; Peng, G. Z. (2022). "New Stegosaurs from the Middle Jurassic Lower Member of the Shaximiao Formation of Chongqing, China".


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