Dinosaur: Leptoceratops gracilis
Cretaceous: 72.1–66 Ma

Length*: | 2.6 m | 8.5 ft |
Weight*: | 200 kg | 441 lb |
*The largest known specimen
Epoch: Late Cretaceous
Stage: Late Maastrichtian
Years: 72.1–66 Ma
Status: valid
Author: Brown
Year: 1914
Area: North America
Country: Canada, USA
Region: Alberta, Montana, Wyoming
Formation: Scollard, Hell Creek, Lance
Material: At least over a dozen individuals (partial skeletons and skulls).
References: Ott, C.J. (2007) "Cranial anatomy and biogeography of the first Leptoceratops gracilis (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) specimens from the Hell Creek Formation, Southeast Montana".
Sternberg, C.M. (1951) "Complete skeleton of Leptoceratops gracilis Brown from the Upper Edmonton Member on Red Deer River, Alberta".