DinosauriaEuropeEurypodaGenasauriaLate JurassicOrnithischiaStegosauriaThyreophora

“Astrodon” pusillus

Dinosaur: "Astrodon" pusillus

Type: Stegosaur

Length*:3.7 m12.1 ft
Weight*:350 kg772 lb
ESR: 2.5 / 4 (estimated size reliability)
*The largest known specimen


Epoch: Late Jurassic
Stage: Kimmeridgian


Status: nomen dubium/S > Dacentrurus
Autor: Lapparent & Zbyszewski
Year: 1957
Area: Europe
Country: Portugal
Region: Lisbon
Formation: Lourinhã


Material: Fragmentary skeleton (limb bones, vertebrae and other fragments).
References: A.F. de Lapparent & G. Zbyszewski, (1957), "Les dinosauriens du Portugal".


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