AlbianAptianAsiaAzhdarchoideaBreviquartossaCaelidraconesDsungaripteridaeDsungaripterinaeDsungaripteromorphaEarly CretaceousEupterodactyloideaLophocratiaMacronychopteraMonofenestrataNeoazhdarchiaNovialoideaOrnithocheiroideaPterodactyliformesPterodactyloideaPterodactylomorphaPterosauriaZambellisauria
Dsungaripterus weii
Pterosaur: Dsungaripterus weii
Meters | Feet | |
Wingspan*: | 3.50 m | 11.5 ft |
ESR: 3.5 / 4 (estimated size reliability)
Material: At least several individuals.
References: Chen, He; Jiang, Shunxing; Kellner, Alexander W. A.; Cheng, Xin; Zhang, Xinjun; Qiu, Rui; Li, Yang; Wang, Xiaolin (2020). "New anatomical information on Dsungaripterus weii Young, 1964 with focus on the palatal region".